How to use mason jars in the kitchen.
Mason jars are such a useful container in the kitchen. And yes, I was one of those people who used mason jars as water glasses when I saw Ree on Pioneer Woman doing that. But they are the perfect size, not plastic and they are tough - they rarely break! There are so many ways to use them. Let me show you!
Mason Jars for Beverages
I'm not talking about using them for water glasses!
One of my popular posts is my copy cat version of Starbucks Frappuccino recipe. I make a bunch of servings and use mason jars with lids so we have ready to go individual servings of this popular cold coffee and chocolate-flavored beverage.

Or, if you serve summer beverages outside, mason jars are perfect because they rarely break! My favorite summer adult mixed drink is Pimms. I had this in England years ago and am hooked! It's such a refreshing beverage.

I'll even admit to occasionally putting white wine in a mason jar. Again, the fact that the jars rarely break PLUS, they fit into the dishwasher so easily!! Not as classy as serving the wine in a wine glass, but, if you are hosting a barbeque or a pool party, these are much nicer than plastic cups!

Mason Jars for storing baking ingredients.
Do you bake? Hate that little baking soda box? Keep buying new baking soda because you just can't believe your baking soda could be fresh in that opened box? You don't need a fancy label or label maker. Just use your sharpie pen.

And when you have ingredients like chocolate chips or dried cranberries, storing them in clear mason jars works so much better than the original package! They stay fresher, store easier and you can more clearly see the contents!

Have you noticed the white lids I use? I found these plastic lids and LOVE them! They are easier and better to use when using mason jars for storage.

They wash up great in the dishwasher. They aren't the two-piece lids like the ones that come with the mason jars. They don't get rusty from the dishwasher! So, they look cleaner. But, they can be hard to find. I have ordered mine from Amazon. If you can't find the lids near you, order lids here from Amazon. You do want to make sure that your jars and your lids match size-wise. These lids fit my 8 and 12 oz jars. My largest jars are 20 oz and would need larger, wide-mouthed lids.
Mason Jars storing seasonings and herbs.
I buy some of my seasonings in bulk. Like a chili spice.
It's just so much easier to store, measure and not spill when it's in a mason jar.

If you don't have a funnel to fill your jars, I'd recommend you buy a canning funnel.
I use a lot of parsley and oregano. I buy it in bulk and store it in my jars.
Can I share something with you? I'm looking forward to getting back into gardening! I plan on growing lots of herbs, drying them and storing them.

Have I mentioned these jars are practically indestructible? They have dented my wooden floors when they fall. They've made me say bad words when they've landed on my toes. But, in all the years I've used them (even back when I was canning my own jam), I have NEVER seen one break. They are glass, so I'm sure it happens. But, these do put up with a lot of abuse.
Mason Jars for portable breakfasts, snacks or drinks.
Here's another way we used them. When my kids had to be out the door really early for school, they took a liquid instant breakfast with them.

I put the powdered drink in the jar, fill it about ⅔ full of milk and add some ice cubes. Leave about an inch from the top so you can shake the mixture up. The ice cubes do a great job mixing the powder.
Oh, and for snacks to go....

An awesome snack container!
Freezing individual portions.
This is what I absolutely love my mason jars for. I make big batches of soups, spaghetti sauce etc. There is always a need for individual portions!
My favorite butternut and leek soup is in this mason jar.

And my delicious french onion soup recipe. I will probably make some today! When you want to have some, just leave it in the fridge overnight to melt then you can pour it into a bowl, heat it up and (of course) sprinkle a little cheese on it. So good! If you go to the french onion soup recipe, you'll see I've given you options on easy but delicious toppings!

And below is my spaghetti sauce. The recipe is actually for the best meatballs ever! I use them in spaghetti or sometimes I make meatball subs.
Sorry, the picture has decided it wants to be sideways. For some reason, I can't get it to show properly. I do want to show it to you so sorry if you have to turn your head (or your computer) to see it properly. #bloggerchallenges

Store snacks or portion them into single servings!
Like this super delicious garlic and dill seasoned pretzels!

Or this bits and bites recipe (which is perfect in a jar). Or do you call it Chex Mix or maybe even Nuts and bolts?

So many uses for mason jars!
I hope this post helps you figure out how to use those mason jars you may have stored in a box somewhere. Or, if you want to buys some but aren't sure what their uses are!
Let me give you the link to the lids again real quick. They are the best and I love using them!! I've also noticed they come in so many colors now! Here's the mason jar lid link so you can decide which ones you would like! Remember to be careful and order the correct size!

Another lid hack: save lids from peanut butter jars or Truvia flip top lid. They both fit regular mouth jars.
Kimberly Miller
Been using mason/ball jars for years. I put everything from Cereal, Spices, Baking Supplies. It’s so much better than plastic, I try to stay away from plastic anything. I use lazy Susan’s in the pantry using the jars so much better just spin and find what you need.
Linda C Johnston
A wealth of information! Thanks! Gotta go order my lids!. lol
Ball makes an even more leak proof lid now, too. They are grey and I got mine at Target. I use canning jars for tons of stuff (I always have them so why not?!).
Another lid hack: the lids from parmesan cheese containers (like the green ones with a pour or shake option) fit perfectly on mason jars. Great for your bulk spices, and I use mine for when I grate cheese off the block(it will save you money). But the holes are a fit for straws too so if you don't have a dippy cup for a visiting toddler.... (Press n seal works awesome too! I use to use mason jars as thermoses and tubberware for work lunches- keep a few in the freezer for milk, yogurt, soup. Usually messy stuff in "regular" containers
Laura Smith
Good post. I use mason jars for storing leftovers any way I can: plastic lid for jars in the fridge, and for the freezer I use the metal lids (since I don't have that many plastic lids) with this little trick: I cover the jar with plastic wrap before putting on the lid and tightening the ring on the jar. That way it creates a slightly more air-tight seal which reduces freezer burn -- and when you need to defrost the contents, all you need to do is take off the metal and throw the jar in the microwave :-).
Great idea about the plastic wrap! I'll have to do that. Thanks for sharing!
Love mason jars too. How can you not with all the great projects you can make with them. I never thought about the instant breakfast idea though, thanks.