My fall pumpkin planters almost didn't happen this year. I was traveling, and when I came back, our summer was over, and we were solidly into fall weather. I felt behind and didn't think it was worth decorating the front porch with fall planters this year. Then I realized I could do quick and frugal fall transformations using pumpkins I grew and a few I purchased. It was easy to take my planters from summer into fall in just a few minutes.

Table of contents
How to make a pumpkin planter
It's easy and quick if you have some pumpkins. Years ago, I wrote this fall planter ideas post about creating inexpensive fall outside decor.
Those ideas are recycled each fall. I love this wash tub planter and got it for a steal, buying it used. It even has drainage built in. Decor, especially outdoor pumpkin planters, do not need to be expensive! I pulled my summer plants from the washtub and replaced them with pumpkins. It doesn't look fancy up close, but people can see it from the sidewalk in front of my house. It looks fabulous from that vantage point!

The image above and below should give you some ideas about washtub planters. Below is what my antique washtub looked like this summer. It's such a nice-sized raised bed! The post about my raised garden bed even has a video where you can see what I planted and how I positioned the washtub planter right in the middle of the vegetable and herb-raised garden beds.

How to make pumpkin planters

I removed all the summer blooms and foliage from this planter (above). All the annuals and the filler plants all went!
Expert tip for fall planters
Looking closely under the pumpkins, you can see I placed the pumpkins on upside-down plastic nursery pots. It keeps the bottom of the pumpkins dry, and they don't rot as much. Also, the plastic pots keep the pumpkins from freezing to the ground when you want to remove them in the late fall.

Cost saving tip
The pumpkins being used are pie pumpkins (they are inexpensive, although they did double in price from last year!). The white mini pumpkins just started growing in my yard. Thanks to the squirrels for planting those!

I have a lot of hydrangeas in my yard. If they are dried and then rained on frequently, they turn brown. A couple of years ago, I figured out that they need a bit of spray paint, and then they look fine until I remove them.
Front fall container garden

The large pumpkin planter above was created by removing most summer flowers and leaving some tougher spilling plants. I left the ornamental grasses (King Tut). They are drying out, and I love the whispy look now. I found the biggest pumpkin I could to transform it into a fall theme. I did add a few dried hydrangeas in the bare spots. But I wanted you to see how easy it is to create fall pumpkin pots!
My favorite black and white planters (one is above) were a DIY project that I spray painted last year. It's holding up great!
I hope I've inspired you with some fall planter ideas!
This is the one I use. Green apple in satin is the color name.
I don't. I sometimes turn the pumpkins around. Wildlife is welcome to feast on what is in my yard.
Other Fall Planter Ideas
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