Looking for an easy and cheap way to store your baseball caps out of site? You've come to the right place!

The ball caps! Need I say more? We have tried various ways of storing baseball caps. Piled in baskets, placed on closet shelves, hung on hooks. I've been finding we are not the only ones with the storage challenge. They take up too much valuable storage real estate!!
Last week I figured out a better way to store my scarves. Thank you all for the positive feedback! I'm glad to know you had the same challenges and that you are going to try out my scarf storage system. Also, take a look at my DIY Cubbie Storage System in the Garage and How I Store my Scarves in the Closet.
Sooooo, I was thinking about these ball caps one morning and later in the day I was digging through my sewing supplies. I saw these curtain clips.

And I remembered how I hung up my scarves. So, I bought another curtain rod. The smallest one they had. FAIL!! It didn't fit in the closet. Good thing I didn't take it out of the package! I still liked the concept though.

I was wandering around Home Depot and saw the doweling rods. I picked one up and then looked for a couple of cup hooks. Spent less than $5.00 on this (since I already had the curtain clips).
I cut the doweling rod to size. With the only saw I could find in our garage. Do you think a smaller saw might have worked : ) ?

Then I screwed in the cup hooks. Let me share a little trick that makes this much easier. Find a screw and screw it about ½ way with your screwdriver attachment of your drill. Then reverse out the screw. It's, WAY easier to screw in the cup hooks.

Then you can hang up the curtain clips.

And then attach the ball caps. Color-coded, of course. It's actually super easy to flip through the caps to choose one.

I had exactly enough clips for the ball caps my husband had. I know it doesn't look like it, but there are a dozen hats hung here! I think I'd like to also do another rod for my boys. Their caps are always all over and when they need one, they are hard to find. There is lots of wall space so it won't even take any extra space. Love it!
If you like this and want to see the way I now store and organize my scarves, check out my scarf organizing post!
If you are having a hard time looking for the curtain clips, just click here and get them from Amazon.
Oh, just an fyi, if you have more hats, just keep adding more rods down the wall, there is lots of room! I know I will probably add 2 or three more rows.

If you liked this closet storage idea, you'll also like my scarf Closet organization – How I organized my scarves. It's quick, cheap and keeps all your scarves in sight!
Or, if you need to wash those smelly and dirty looking ball caps, here's how I do that! Wash your ball caps.
Wonderful tutorial to store baseball caps. Thanks momcrieff for this post.
Thanks for the nice comment! Glad you liked my idea on how to store the baseball caps.