The right gardening tools and accessories are often the difference between gardening being a fun experience or a taxing chore. Having the correct tools make maintaining your yard and gardens much easier!

It doesn't matter if you are a vegetable gardener, or love planting flower containers, gardening is work. Maybe you are an expert green thumb or a novice gardener. Some tools are inexpensive others are an investment. Many of us gardeners are too cheap to buy some of the things we need!
Gardening Gift Ideas
Many of these items are great gift ideas. If you are looking for a gift for the gardener in your family, there are many useful items described here. There are items in all price ranges for all levels of gardening experience. Gifts would be perfect for birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day, or just to make someone feel their work around the yard is appreciated!
Or, just buy it for yourself because it makes the chore easier and faster.
Gardening Items I LOVE, own and recommend!
Yes, I have all of these. Some I have had for many years. Some I purchased in the last year or two. These are tools I use to get the work done quicker with less effort.
1. Hori Hori Gardening Tool
This is a significant step up from my little cheap gardening trowel. We all start with that little shovel thing as our first basic gardening tool! This is an inepensive upgrade with a huge impact.

Why I love this tool.
Gardening can be physically demanding and it's frustrating when some jobs are tough to do and take a long time. I use this to divide plants, cut my soil/mulch bags, cut roots, trim a stray branch, dig in hard soil etc.. It has become my most used tool. I love the leather sheath it comes in. The blade is sharp and this makes carrying this sharp tool around safer and more convenient.
How this will help you.
Specific tasks like splitting plants such as hostas or grasses are much easier. What gardener doesn't dread cutting through an established hosta's roots? This Hori Hori garden knife cuts through the roots with way less effort than any other tool I've tried. And I've been gardening for decades!
Cutting invasive roots, even trimming small branches is easy. Do you need to dig to get a tap root? This will do the job. I love multi-purpose tools! This isn't even an expensive tool but does so much and does it well.
2. Soil Moisture Probe
Did you know the number 1 cause of plant demise is too much water? The number 2 issue is not enough water. Watering your plants correctly is important!

Why I love this.
This is a fun little tool that will have you testing moisture levels in soil everywhere in your yard! For a couple of extra bucks, you get two (use the moisture probe "Order Here" button I've linked to below). I use one for my indoor plants (houseplants) and one outside for my outdoor pots, flower baskets and raised garden beds.
How this will help you and your plants.
You will know without a doubt if your plants need to be watered or not. This is a scientific way of determining if the soil is dry or not. There is no guessing with these.
These moisture probes come in individual boxes so one could easily be a gift for for someone who has problems keeping their plants alive and healthy. I like how this one is so simple to read. Dry, moist and wet soil. And the readings are color coded too!
Soil Moisture Probe Fun Fact.
There are no batteries to buy. This moisture probe is actually a rudimentary battery. The moisture in the soil completes the circuit and that's how it gives you a reading.
Know when to water your plants and keep them alive and thriving!
3. Scuffle Loop Hoe (a what??)
This is an amazing weeding tool that gives your back a break. If you are trying to clean up weeds between rows, or you have a spot in your yard that is a solid weed patch this makes weeding so much easier!
Why I love it.
ANYTHING that makes weeding easier and faster is worth every penny. I bought a similar one last year and LOVE using it. Just run it forward and back and it cuts the roots under the ground. It won't get a deep tap root but I've found even weeds with big roots stop growing if you regularly cut off all their leaves. WIN!
Why you need this.
It makes weeding easier. Who doesn't want less weeds in their garden beds? Especially for less effort?

4. Garden Weasel weed remover
Put the sharp tines over the weed, step on the foot rest part and it will twist even the toughest weeds out. Or, just loosen the soil in your garden if that's what you are trying to do.

Why I love this.
This is so much easier on your back. You are standing, not kneeling, or on your hands and knees. Use this tool for just a few minutes, pick up the removed weeds and you will feel accomplished. This is one of those instant gratification tools that makes you feel like you have accomplished something by removing so many weeds!
How this helps you.
This is a back saver. It makes a never ending gardening chore much easier. Once you realize how much easier weeding is, you won't avoid that job nearly as much!
5. Lightly Padded Garden Gloves
These have kept my hands blister free during spring organizing/weeding/planting season. We all know how busy spring gardening can be and how hard it is on your hands.

Why I love these.
These gloves have a lightly padded leather palm. Buy them in a bright color - so you don't misplace them! These are much better quality than those this rubber coated gloves. These prevent blisters and keep your hands clean!
Why you will love these.
Because no gardener should have holes in their gardening gloves!! These are a perfect hostess gift, thank you gift or anything gift. Or just buy them because you have holes in your gloves!! Or because they are pretty!
6. Metal Plant Markers
Did I ever tell you the one where I planted three mounds with plants that had squash-like looking leaves?

Why I love these.
Unless you plant less than three plants a year, you need these.
"I'll remember what these plants are because I'll plant them in alphabetical order". How can that plan possibly go wrong?
Six weeks of guessing, in alphabetical order (gourds, pumpkins, zucchini? cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini? pumpkins, squash, zucchini?). Did I even plant zucchini? Do I need to plant zucchini? Do I already have 10 zucchini plants?
Why you want these.
Trust me. You won't remember what you planted. Learn from me!
These come with a marker and the ink has stayed legible for the gardening season!
P.S. There were lots of pumpkins!
7. Bypass Pruning Shears
When the kitchen scissors just don't do the job well enough you need to up your gardening tools! These cut everything from herbs, flower bouquets to small branches.

Why I love these.
The job is so much easier with the right tools! This is an inexpensive tool that lasts for years! These are not the super expensive pruning shears. I've had mine for 6 years.
How these help you.
Perhaps with these, your kitchen scissors will stay in the kitchen? When the job is too big for scissors, these are an inexpensive but useful upgrade.
8. Fiskars Bypass Lopper
These bypass loppers help you avoid using a ladder when you have to trim the unruly branches on your trees or tall shrubs. It's surprisingly easy to cut branches with these. It has something to do with leverage and physics.

Why I love these.
You'd be amazed at how easy it is to cut thicker branches! I've even cut down small weed trees. You don't need to use a saw, or a chain saw to get rid of branches up to 1 ½ inches in diameter. And, you are solidly on the ground.
Why you need these.
These help prevent so many scratches. With the longer handles, you can easily cut rose bush branches, or shrub branches and not scratch your arms. Plus, you don't need to haul out a ladder. You can reach and cut down branches up to about 3 feet above your height. Or cut things at ground level while standing up.
9. Garden Kneeler and Seat.
These are not just for old people!! I love gardening early in the morning and they keep you from getting wet from the dew. They do help your knees from hurting and make standing up after weeding easier. But tell EVERYONE they keep your knees dry from the morning dew.

Why I love it.
This was one of the cheaper garden kneelers when I bought it but I'm solidly into my third year of using it. It's holding up well. I love how this garden kneeler keeps my knees comfortable by not kneeling on mulch or hard ground. It also keeps my legs dry when weeding in the early morning dew.
Why you need it.
It makes working on the ground much more comfortable and easier. It makes getting up from ground level much easier. You also can keep your tools in the side pockets so you have everything with you that you need. This is one of the cheaper models and it has held up well for me!
10. EGO self propelled battery operated lawn mower
I have the older model. It's 6 years old and is still amazing! People still approach me to ask questions about my electric lawn mower when they see I'm cutting my lawn.
Why I love it.
It's quiet but powerful. People stop me and ask WHY it's so quiet. It's strong enough to mulch all my leaves from my full grown oak, silver maple, walnut and basswood trees on my double city lot. I hate raking and use this lawnmower to mulch. It is super easy to maintain and use.
Why you would love it.
It's battery-operated so you never need to deal with gas, oil, sparkplugs, pull cords or worry about how to store it during the winter. You put the charged battery in, press a button and pull a lever. It quietly and powerfully cuts the grass.
I literally fold it up and tuck it in the corner of my garage for winter storage. If I remember, I spray it clean with my garden hose prior to storage. Two of my neighbors now own one too. This is definately a planned purchase ($$).

I have saved a fortune by not having a lawn service. And, I met all my neighbors when I was cutting my lawn!
11. Walnut Picker Upper
I have a huge walnut tree in my yard. Every two years it rains literally thousands of walnuts onto my backyard. This tool makes the chore of collecting these much easier!

Why you need this.
It's the concept I love. If you have a tree that drops nuts in your yard , I highly recommend getting this tool. I found it years ago by trying to find something that picks up golf balls (it can do that too!) It makes picking up thousands of messy of black walnuts fun! Kind of.
12. Wheelbarrow/yardcart
This type of wheelbarrows are amazing! The tires don't go flat, there aren't any wooden handles that get weathered, it doesn't tip, it takes corners well, it carries about 4 times more mulch/dirt than my old wheelbarrow.

Why I love it!
This yardcart can carry so much BUT it feels lighter and is easier to maneuver. Turning corners and dumping mulch is easy! I do my own mulching so this wheelbarrow is worth every single cent. I borrowed my neighbor's one year then bought one for myself. My old wheelbarrow is now garden art (ha!).
Why you should get it.
If you are a DIY gardener, this will save you so much time and effort. If you are going to save money by not hiring someone to do a gardening/landscaping job, at least get the right equipment! It's amazing that you can put 3-4 times more mulch and dirt in this wheelbarrow but it is easier to maneuver. Also great for moving outdoor furniture, planters and jumbo planters!
13. Orbit Spray nozzle
Get a good spray nozzle. Even if you have a cheap hose, a good spray nozzle lets you water the plants more efficiently and you stay dry. You don't need 28 different spray patterns!
Hint - a good spray nozzle isn't plastic!
If you do a lot of watering/car washing/general spraying, buy a sprayer that lasts longer than a season! I can't even find the one pictured anymore. It's about 5 years old. I've linked to the newer version that I will buy if/when the one I have doesn't work.

Why I love this sprayer
It's the first one I've bought with a thumb control. I find it easier to set and use different water pressure. The sprayer doesn't leak and I don't get soaked watering my plants. I'm on year 5 with it. It's not very expensive but it sure has outlasted the 'deals' I've bought in the past.
Why you should buy this.
You will feel how solid this is compared to the bargain spray nozzles. It feels heavier and more solid. If you do a lot of hand watering, this makes the task easier. The spray can be focused into a powerful jet or a gentle spray. You also have the option of controlling how much water flows with the thumb control.
I'm linking to the updated model of the one I have.
14. Hose guides
Save your plants! Use hose guides to keep your hose from breaking or even pulling out your garden bed plantings. These are not expensive!
Why I love these
I invest in my plants. Perennials especially are expensive. I have long hoses and pull them around to the sides of my house. These guides will keep your hose from ripping out or breaking your plants.

Why you should buy these.
They save you money and heartache. It's always your favorite plant that gets damaged from the hose getting pulled over it. These are inexpensive to buy, and I don't feel that I need to buy fancy guides. They do the job and keep the hose where it should be. They have lasted for years!
15. Mini Greenhouse
I linked to the mini greenhouse I wish I bought. It's twice the size of this one.
Why I love this.
I live in Wisconsin and I push the planting time. This allowed me to put my seedlings outside but keep them warm and cozy at night.
In the fall, I move my herbs to this bed and put this little greenhouse on top of them (well staked). I had fresh herbs until January. It extended the life of my herbs for months. Herbs like basil didn't make it to January but parsley, sage, rosemary, tyme and chives did.
How this helps your garden.
If you are trying to establish your garden early and keep it producing late in the season, this helps! It's so much better than throwing a sheet over the plants every night. Zip, zip and the plants are tucked in and cozy for the night.
I'm in zone 5 in Wisconsin and this was so helpful! Extend your season, eat fresh produce from your garden and save money because of it.

My Best Garden Hose! (I've linked to the group of hoses so you can select your preferred size.)
I'm the weirdo who gets excited because her hose does not kink! I threw out three this spring because watering plants at the end of my yard shouldn't be so hard. The kinks were going to make me lose my mind!

This hose has been dragged all around my yard all spring and a good part of this summer. My painter's used it when the pressure washed my house. I bought the long one at 130 feet (different lengths are available). It has NOT kinked once yet!! I LOVE this hose!

***The above button goes to the group of hoses so you can choose your size.
Hope you find the above suggestions helpful! Have fun in your garden this year!

I have a hori hori knife and I love it! When we did a community clean up day, others were asking what it was and where I got it because it made digging up the weeds so much easier.
Hi, I clicked on the link for the #12. Wheelbarrow/yardcart, unfortunately, it brings me to Amazon's other yardcart. Where else can I buy the one that you have in the picture?
Susan Moncrieff
Hi Elizabeth!
Since this is a more expensive item, I would suggest checking out your local hardware stores. I have no way of letting you know who sells this in your area.
If you do get one that's different, try it out and see how stable it feels when you turn corners!
Scuffle hoop hoe not available for your link to Amazon . Any other brands you might recommend! Thank you. I desperately need this thing ☺️
Susan Moncrieff
Hi Sharon,
This one looks the same - and it's cheaper! Whatever one you buy, make sure the bottom part is metal.
Thanks for letting me know the item in my link was sold out. I've changed it!