Damage free way to hang decor on wood.
I love wood! I hate the idea of nail damage on my wood. I found a wonderful way to hang things on wood. Like this sign! With no permanent damage (i.e. nail holes) on my door.

Yes, I've used the Command strip hooks to hang wreaths and various Christmas decorations quite successfully. However, I was at a loss as to how to hang two little signs on two interior wood doors. As I was wandering in the hardware store, I saw the Command Picture Hanging Strips.

There were lots of directions on the back, which I loved! I just wasn't sure if it would work for my needs and needed to read the directions for reassurance. I wanted to hang some things on wood but didn't want it there permanently!

I have two doors in my hallway - one a powder room, one my laundry room. We have a pool and the powder room gets lots of use. The powder room is spotless when we have guests, the laundry room.........not so much! I needed a way for people to figure out which door was which.

Here are the two small metal signs which I found at Hobby Lobby about a month ago. I just didn't know how to hang them without damaging my wood doors.

Followed the directions and the weight recommendations:

Success! Love it!

Dennis W Mau
I have used command strips on finished wood and with time the adhesive damaged the finish when I removed them. You are better off with a couple of small nails. You can always use a small plug of wood filler to fill the small holes in. Once the finish is gone it is gone.
Susan Chatelain
Everything that I have hung with these strips eventually fell down. I had several frames with glass that broke. I contacted 3M about this and they would not respond.
Kari from Martinez
Or were they just over the edge in each pane, so as to present no problem whatsoever?
Kari from Martinez
Hi, I have question. It appears that both signs have those metal hangers (with teeth) on them, which would, I'd imagine, stick out further than the command strips. Did that pose a problem? Did you remove them?
Yes! They have been up for over a year.
Thank you for your tip, I just went out and purchased some of the command strips to hang my own signs!