In just a couple of hours, I put up a simple cubby system to keep each family member's stuff organized. It helped us find our things and we were on time to events because we could easily find the hat/gloves/balls/shoes we needed.
Having everyone's stuff in a designated spot was so much easier than having to find a bike helmet on the same shelf as the garden fertilizer and electric drill chargers. It made going to practices easier and much less stressful because we could find our stuff! There was no more panic over finding the lefty golf glove vs. the rest of the family.

Each family member now has a 'cubby' for their odds and ends. Specifically for their sports stuff. In my family, that would be golf. EACH family member has their own shoes, golf balls, tees, towels, etc., all in an organized spot. Now we don't have to scramble to find anything. And we don't get our lefty golf stuff mixed up with our right-handed golf stuff.
Benefits of these wall cubbies
- This DIY wall storage was inexpensive to put up. Everything needed cost just under $75.00.
- This garage cubby storage system reduced our stress level. Our garage was large, but we kept losing things (especially the small things) because there was no organization.
- These cubbies provided 2 wall shelves plus the basket. It was a lot of storage room. Things were off the floor and were not on the misc. shelf that had random stuff everywhere.
- We were more punctual getting to where we were going because we could find what we needed.
Stud finder
Headed to a local craft store and bought 4 of their wooden crates.

- 8 wall brackets (2 per cubby)
- Screws to attach brackets to wooden boxes and the wall
- Drywall screws for areas we couldn't use the stud
- Baskets to hang under the crates for more storage
This was a simple project to give everyone a place to put their sport's stuff so it wasn't mixed up on a too crowded shelf.
The stud finder was used to make sure at least one screw from each bracket was installed on a stud.

Yes, there are two brackets side by side when you have the two cubbies beside each other.

Building & Shopping Tip
If this is your first project like this, don't be afraid to ask for help at the hardware store. Bring in the crate and get help purchasing the brackets or screws. Even if you don't need help, bringing in the crate will be helpful to you.

This was a very simple project, and we loved it. The bonus of having the cubbies instead of a shelf was that they did not cause problems with the car doors.
*Originally Written April 15, 2013.
That's such a great idea! Found your link at the Link Party Palooza. 🙂
what a great idea!
This looks great! Love the idea!! Visiting from the Lets Get Organized Blog Hop!
Amy W
So clever and simple. Thanks for sharing with us!
thanks for linking up...what a great idea!