Decorated pinecones add a touch of nature inside. I love some natural elements incorporated with my Christmas decorating!

Yes, more decorated pinecones! I was obsessed with them for a while. Ask my golfing friends. My golf course was a great place to score some beautiful pinecones. I did try hard not to slow the game down, and my sincere apologies to my golfing friends if I was annoying you with my quest for those beautiful pinecones!
I love the pinecones with the snow accents. My first attempt failed.
I carefully painted the tops of each pinecone petal. All seemed great until one rolled onto its side, and I noticed it didn't even look painted at all!
Hmmmm. So, I tried again. I painted the bottom of each pinecone petal. Not sure if that's the right term, but I'm sure you know what that means!

When these were looked at from a different angle, they still showed the snowy accent.
So, the moral of this blog post is to paint your pinecones from the bottom.
I have a bunch of decorated pinecones in an apothecary jar. I have the cutest kitty, who will play with any he can get his little paws on, so they need to be contained.
I love the mix of the white, frosted, and the natural pinecones.
If you want to see how I painted my pinecones white, take a look at my white pinecone post. This link will take you to my step-by-step tutorial. I still have my white pinecones years later, and I love them. I may need to make a few more this year!
The bonus in that post is I show you exactly what to use to make the pinecones perfectly 'hangable' as ornaments. Oh, what the heck, here's a peek.

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