Freezing basil in ice cube trays with oil is one of the fastest and easiest ways to freeze basil. It does a great job of preserving the flavor and if you let the cube melt, the basil is still green. This is my favorite way to preserve basil, whether it's from your garden or if you purchased more than you plan on using right away.
¼cupExtra virgin olive oiljust enough to cover the basil
Roll and chiffonade 3-4 leaves and place in each cube
Pour enough olive oil over the basil to cover.
Keep frozen until ready to use. Can be popped out of the ice cube tray and kept in a freezer bag.
I love using ice cube trays that have lids on them!If you are looking for information on growing basil and drying it, take a look at this article -Growing, using and preserving basilFreezing basil cubes is also a good idea if you have extra basil from the grocery store. It doesn't have to be from a garden!
Nutrition (I am not a nutritionist. These are estimates only)