Delicious, homemade chicken soup using rotisserie chicken and chickpeas (instead of noodles). Naturally gluten-free since you are using chickpeas instead of noodles.
My favorite rotisserie chicken is from Costco. They are larger and more flavorful to me.
Chicken carcass with some chicken on it plus leftover chickentotal about 2 cups
For the stock
2or 3 stalks of celery cut to 3 - 4 inches
1small onion or equivalent amount cut into chunks
2large carrotsor equivalent small cut into 3 - 4 inches
For the soup
1cupchopped carrots
2cupshredded chickenfrom the carcass oand leftover chicken
1large can of chickpeasgarbanzo beans
Concentrated chicken stockif needed
Use a large pot. Add a couple of tablespoons of oil.
Saute the onions, carrots and celery that are for the stock for about 3- 5 minutes. I find it makes the stock more flavorful.
I added 8 cups of water to the pot.
Then I take some of the chicken off the bones if there are larger pieces (I find it stays more flavorful). But, I don't go crazy because what's left on the bones comes off easily after it is cooked.
Add the chicken carcass to the pot.
Bring to a boil and then turn oven to a low simmer. I always simmer for about 1 to 1 ½ hours. It just gets all the flavor out of those bones. And the health stuff!
Strain the bones and veggies from your homemade soup base (I put a colander into another big pot/bowl and pour everything in). Do it in a clean sink in case there is an oops.
Let it cool for a few minutes and start picking off the chicken. What comes off the bones plus the chicken you have prior to cooking the bones should be about 2 cups.
Cut any larger chicken pieces into smaller pieces. Hint - If you know ahead of time that there isn't enough chicken, precook a chicken breast to use.
If you like your stock with a stronger flavor, you can add some concentrated chicken stock. I love this chicken stock and always have it in my fridge.
Add the chopped veggies that are for the soup and the can of drained chickpeas.
Bring to boil then simmer for about 5 minutes (until carrots are tender).
Serve with crackers or a fresh roll.
There is nothing better when you have a cold than homemade chicken soup. I prefer the chickpeas to the noodles because I find the noodles lose their texture.