2 canswhite spray paintI use Rustoleum paint that specifies it bonds to plastic
2 cansblack spray paint
1rollpainter's tape
Empty pots and spray thoroughly with water to get any dirt off.
Do a quick rough sand to get the glossy finish off and to smooth any imperfections
Place pot on protected surface (tarp, garbage bags, old sheets) and elevate pot so you can spray bottom edge without having to turn pot around.
Ensure planters are thoroughly dry, then spray paint your base color on (in my case it was white). Thin coats are best. It took me 3 light coats (do not spray heavy coats).Read the back of spray can for information of temperature, technique and drying time.
Tape your design onto pot with painter's tape. All covered areas will be white when tape is removed.
Ensure everything you would like to be your base color (white) is covered well with the tape. Double check!
Paint any exposed area with the secondary color (black). Thin coats! The black only took me 2 coats for each planter.
Once you have ensured spray paint is dry (per can instructions), fill with soil and happy planting!